Monday, April 19, 2010

Josh Neufeld (graphic novelist behind the successful AD New Orleans) is the MAN!!! :)

If you do not know who Josh Neufeld is, you might want to do a quick Google search.  He is not only one of the most awesome and amazing contemporary graphic novelists, but also a beacon of light that shines beautifully on the comic and graphic novel world.  Check out his newest endeavor to spread the word about the value of reading comics and graphic novels during a new media age!!!  Mocking one of my favorite titles as a kid, "Go, Josh, Go!"


PS - And if you don't know Josh's wife you might want to Google her as well (Sari Wilson), for she provides a much-needed voice that, like myself, seeks to link the world of education to the world of comics and graphic novels.  Can you say "POWER COUPLE?"  I can!  :)  

1 comment:

Andy said...


Your comment about linking graphic novels with education really caught my eye. I work for a graphic novel publisher that aims its books at young people, with a view to entertaining and educating them.

Feel free to take a look at and e-mail me if you'd like some more information -

